How to take care of caloric needs during intensive workouts?

How to take care of caloric needs during intensive workouts?
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Proper and effective weight loss and body sculpting requires more than just choosing the right set of exercises. You also need to make sure that your body receives the right amount of calories.

In consultation with a dietician or personal trainer you should first of all calculate what your current calorie demand is. What does it depend on? It depends on the intensity of exercise, your body weight and the effects you want to achieve. There are free calculators available on the internet which you can use to calculate how many calories you should consume during the day. You enter your age, weight and activity level. Some of them also allow you to specify your goal (to lose, maintain or gain weight). Based on this, your daily caloric needs are calculated.

Preparation for training

For exercise to be effective, you should make sure that your body is ready for a prolonged effort. You need to provide enough calories to be able to train intensively without feeling like you have a full stomach. It is best to eat a light meal such as pasta or oatmeal 2 or 3 hours before physical activity. You can also reach for a light snack an hour before training to give you energy. Being hungry during sports activities not only has a negative impact on your mood, but it also decreases the effectiveness of exercises. The most important rule is not to overeat and not to be starved.

Also, remember to hydrate your body so that you can maintain a good pace during your workout. Choose either water or electrolyte drinks, which are the best option for intense workouts.

Is it a good idea to diet during a workout? Yes, but only if you are training for a long-distance run or swim. Then in a short break you can reach for energy gels and drink even more water.

These are the products you should reach for after your workout

When you have finished your workout, you will certainly feel hungry – especially if you have exercised intensively. The most important thing is not to compensate for the calories you burned. A good option would be to eat Greek yogurt, for example, or drink a protein shake. You can also choose other dishes that contain carbohydrates and protein, which promote the recovery of muscle tissue.

If you don’t have the opportunity to eat a meal immediately after exercise, reach for a small snack such as a protein bar. It is recommended that you eat a proper, filling meal no later than one hour after training. In case you do not like to cook or you lack the time for it, a great solution will be Captain Cook diet catering. You will get healthy, varied meals that you can adjust in terms of calories to your expectations. This way you will be sure that your diet is not only healthy, but also varied.

Do you do crossfit, functional training or maybe martial arts? ?♂ You certainly need a lot of energy during the day. Z…

Published by Captain Cook – diet catering Wednesday, 26 August 2020

Fruits and vegetables

They are extremely important not only during the weight loss process. Also after a very intensive workout, fruits and vegetables are an invaluable dose of vitamins and minerals needed to strengthen the body. The best are natural fruit shakes – you can mix protein, banana and e.g. almonds.


An important element are also products containing vitamins and minerals, which do not replace the diet, but will be a good supplement. There are, among others, calorie burners, so called pre-trainers and products shortening the recovery time after exercise. It is worth taking vitamins C and B6, as well as calcium and phosphorus.

Controlling your calorie balance is an important element in maintaining your training performance. Keep in mind that every body, despite the general assumptions, needs a different approach, so it is best to test different solutions together with a nutritionist and trainer and see which one brings the best results.

Featured Image: Freepik

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