
Top 11 places in the world for wreck diving
Top 11 places in the world for wreck diving

Wreck diving is an experience quite unlike any other underwater adventure. Check out where to best indulge in this hobby!

Diving on apnea, or freediving – how to prepare properly?
Diving on apnea, or freediving – how to prepare properly?

Diving while holding your breath? It is possible! Check how to prepare for such an underwater adventure.

Diving without unnecessary ballast, or how to achieve ideal buoyancy
Diving without unnecessary ballast, or how to achieve ideal buoyancy

Want to hover in the sea like an astronaut in space? Find out what perfect buoyancy is and how you can achieve it.

What is decompression diving?
What is decompression diving?

Are you interested in diving? Do you want to deepen your knowledge in this subject? Learn about decompression diving and you may find a new way to grow!

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