Tag - soccer - Page 2

What should a solid football warm-up look like?
What should a solid football warm-up look like?

Warming up is an essential part of any soccer workout. Want to know how to prepare your body for intense exercise? Check out our tips!

Charging batteries for the whole year. What should an amateur footballer’s winter training look like?
Charging batteries for the whole year. What should an amateur footballer’s winter training look like?

Does an amateur soccer player’s training in the winter have a significant impact on his form? How does an athlete’s body handle the cold days outside? Read on and find out!

Which boots for which surface? Football boots without secrets!

Looking to buy soccer shoes and trying to decipher the abbreviations placed on the boxes by the manufacturers? We can help!

How do you properly match soccer shoes to the type of surface?
How do you properly match soccer shoes to the type of surface?

Wondering what the different models of ball shoes are? In this article you will find the answer!