Tag - cycling

Exercise ideas for the outdoors
Exercise ideas for the outdoors

Looking for an outdoor workout idea? Check out our inspiration for outdoor sports!

Amateur cycling – bicycle investments flourish in spring
Amateur cycling – bicycle investments flourish in spring

The days are getting warmer and warmer, which means that soon the Polish cycling paths, like every year at this […]

Amateur cycling in pandemic – when will cyclists return to real trails?
Amateur cycling in pandemic – when will cyclists return to real trails?

Amateur sports are slowly coming back to life after a long break. From February 12 there will be a conditional […]

Does wearing a mask during physical activity cause hypoxia? Canadian scientists have conducted tests!
Does wearing a mask during physical activity cause hypoxia? Canadian scientists have conducted tests!

Times are hard for lovers of physical activity in all its forms, and amateurs may feel especially disadvantaged. Dissatisfaction of […]

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EMS training – an alternative to traditional exercise
EMS training – an alternative to traditional exercise
Are you not satisfied with your figure? Do you think that you have accumulated a bit too much fat here […]
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