Individual sports - Page 3

Martial arts for beginners – where to start?
Martial arts for beginners – where to start?

Martial arts is a term used to refer to various types of hand-to-hand or barehand combat. Their key element is […]

Mountain running – where to start?
Mountain running – where to start?

Do you want to take on new challenges? Meet new places and people? Choose mountain running – a sport that […]

Why practice boxing?
Why practice boxing?

Boxing is still associated by many people with a typically male sport. However, more and more women decide to practice […]

Chess – intensive training for the mind
Chess – intensive training for the mind

If someone is looking for an activity that develops strategic thinking and at the same time is not technically demanding, […]

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What is capoeira?
What is capoeira?
Capoeira is a dynamic, dance-based martial art that originated in Brazil and consists of fluid, rhythmic movements. What is worth knowing about it?
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