Tag - tennis

Effective service in tennis – how to master this element of the game?
Effective service in tennis – how to master this element of the game?

Serving is to a tennis player what starting an engine is to a car driver. So if you want to […]

Tennis primer – learning forhand for beginners
Tennis primer – learning forhand for beginners

Thinking about learning to play tennis? It’s never too late to embark on an adventure with the sport! But first, start with theory and learn what a forend is – one of the two basic strokes in tennis.

Choosing a tennis ball – which parameters to pay attention to?
Choosing a tennis ball – which parameters to pay attention to?

Choosing the right ball is one of the basic decisions faced by a beginner tennis player. Check which parameters to pay attention to when buying.

Ranking of the most popular sports – which ones do we play and watch the most?
Ranking of the most popular sports – which ones do we play and watch the most?

This month worldatlas.com published a list of the ten most popular sports on the globe. In the top ten there […]

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