Hobby - Page 4

What should a diver’s equipment contain?
What should a diver’s equipment contain?

Thinking about signing up for a scuba diving course? Check what equipment you will need to safely go under the surface of the water.

How to choose the best fishing line for my method of fishing?
How to choose the best fishing line for my method of fishing?

Are you a novice angler and wondering why you get fish off your hook all the time? Read on and find out how to choose the right fishing line that will guarantee successful fishing.

Ice diving – is it safe?
Ice diving – is it safe?

Diving under the ice is a unique passion that requires a lot of courage and even greater endurance. Check what to do to stay as safe as possible!

“Fish in the cold”. The renaissance of ice fishing!
“Fish in the cold”. The renaissance of ice fishing!

This year’s winter surprised Poles with drifts of snow and extremely cold days. Many could complain about the weather conditions […]