Tag - volleyball

Reflection in volleyball – correct technique and improvement exercises
Reflection in volleyball – correct technique and improvement exercises

Mastering the fundamentals of volleyball requires regular practice. Once this stage is behind you, you will begin to shine on […]

Volleyball tactics without secrets: What are settings in volleyball?
Volleyball tactics without secrets: What are settings in volleyball?

The key to success in volleyball is proper positioning. Learn some key strategies to help your team win!

Equipment and accessories needed to play beach volleyball
Equipment and accessories needed to play beach volleyball

Want a taste of beach volleyball? Make sure the ball is all you need to play a match on the sand!

Beach volleyball for amateurs 2021 – overview of the most interesting events
Beach volleyball for amateurs 2021 – overview of the most interesting events

For many years beachvolleyball has been high on the list of favorite activities among amateurs of summer sports. Due to […]

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