October physical activities – what’s worth splurging on?

October physical activities – what’s worth splurging on?
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Autumn weather should not discourage from physical activity, on the contrary. According to specialists, it is during the golden season that movement and taking care of one’s condition is of particular importance.

Research shows that only 10% of those surveyed decide to be physically active in the autumn and winter in order to stay healthy. Meanwhile, movement not only reduces the level of everyday stress, but also helps to cope with lazy days and autumn blues. That’s why we suggest 10 activities that you can definitely do that are extremely healthy for our body and mental health:

  1. Walking (and walking with poles – or Nordic walking).
  2. Running (including Jogging).
  3. Yoga.
  4. Bicycling.
  5. Skateboarding, rollerblading, scootering, etc.
  6. Dancing.
  7. Gymnastics in the park (outdoor exercise definitely boosts immunity).
  8. Swimming pool (you can go to indoor tanks regardless of the season).
  9. Gym.
  10. Home workouts – these can be done even without workout equipment, here are some sample exercises:
    1. squats,
    2. push-ups,
    3. plank (plank, side plank),
    4. running on the spot,
    5. jumping jacks,
    6. push-ups,
    7. sit-ups,
    8. twists and turns.

Main photo: Ketut Subiyanto/pexels.com

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