Do vitamin supplements, minerals and enzymes help improve athletic performance?

Do vitamin supplements, minerals and enzymes help improve athletic performance?
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A balanced diet, regular training and the right amount of rest are the basis of a satisfactory form. Many people also decide to use dietary supplements, however it is worth knowing whether they have a real influence on improving physical condition.

The market of dietary supplements offers many nutrients, vitamin pills and substances which are supposed to support the body during the workout and help in regeneration after physical effort. Even the best constructed diet may not be able to provide the body with the right amount of calories, energy, protein or protein. Intensive and systematic training creates greater demand for all nutrients, so supplementation is an ideal complement to a proper diet. Are vitamin supplements, supplied with minerals and enzymes, which can be found in nutrients, also able to positively affect sports performance?

Vitamin supplementation

Increased physical activity affects metabolic and digestive processes. This means that vitamins and nutrients needed for proper functioning are flushed out of an athlete’s body faster. One such vitamin is vitamin D, which is responsible for the proper formation of bone and muscle tissue. Calcium, phosphate, cholecalciferol, and magnesium, which vitamin D provides to the blood, are responsible for testosterone levels in the body and also improve performance.

A study conducted at the Central Center for Sports Medicine found that as many as ¾ of athletes suffer from vitamin D deficiency. Its correct level in the blood affects the absorption of calcium, bone mineralization, improving the functioning of the nervous system and faster muscle regeneration. Experts add that vitamin D not only protects against potential bone injuries, but also reduces the risk of muscle cramps and has a real impact on the performance of the body during training or competition. Maintaining adequate vitamin D levels with supplements can benefit athletic performance.

Mineral supplementation

An equally important part of proper supplementation is the ongoing intake of minerals. Equal amounts of vitamins, minerals and enzymes are needed for each body to function properly. All 3 components are closely related and affect the proper functioning of the human body. Micronutrients are responsible for maintaining immunity, proper body development, and muscle tissue growth. Most minerals are not produced naturally, so they must be provided with the diet or through supplements.

Minerals also contribute to proper heart muscle function, glucose transport and communication between nerves and muscles. Intensive training also causes the athlete to lose mineral salts, sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium through sweat. A regular supply of all these components ensures that the body not only functions properly, but is also ready for increased strength loads and improved sports performance.

You probably always remember about the “mandatory” nutrient portions, but do you remember about minerals? In the meantime, the hard training…

Published by F+B Sport Sunday, December 30, 2018

Supplementing with enzymes

Enzymes are mainly responsible for the proper functioning of the digestive system and metabolic processes occurring in the human body. Each enzyme is responsible for different functions of the body and digestive processes, so when choosing a nutritional supplement containing enzymes, it is worth paying attention to the composition and mode of action.

The best choice are supplements that contain all types of enzymes, so as to balance their levels in all parts of the digestive system. In the metabolic process, enzymes are responsible for breaking down proteins, fats and carbohydrates so that the digestive system can work freely. Abnormal enzyme levels will not only cause stomach problems, but will also weaken the body and significantly reduce muscle performance, which can have a real impact on athletic performance.

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