Ayden Knight - Page 26

Basketball sleeve – what is it for and why should you use it?
Basketball sleeve – what is it for and why should you use it?

Learn how the compression sleeve works and who can safely use it during exercise.

Why is protein so important in an athlete’s diet?
Why is protein so important in an athlete’s diet?

There is constant talk about the leading role of protein in an athlete’s diet. Do you know why?

What should a solid football warm-up look like?
What should a solid football warm-up look like?

Warming up is an essential part of any soccer workout. Want to know how to prepare your body for intense exercise? Check out our tips!

Why should you supplement magnesium after exercise?
Why should you supplement magnesium after exercise?

Find out how important magnesium is for the proper functioning of the athlete’s body and how to supplement its deficiency in the diet.

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Pushing the limits of endurance. How does compression wear help athletes?
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