Tag - running how to start

Aerobic training of a runner – how to train to have satisfaction from it?
Aerobic training of a runner – how to train to have satisfaction from it?

Do you admire people who regularly run in the park alleys? Would you like to join them, but you don’t like to strain yourself? Choose aerobic training and run for fun!

Gadgets useful during running training
Gadgets useful during running training

Are you interested in training parameters? Do you like to make every physical activity more enjoyable? Try out these gadgets and see how much you can gain by investing in useful sports accessories!

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Long-distance shooting – the school of precision and patience
Long-distance shooting – the school of precision and patience
Do you like to shoot, do you go to the shooting range? Have you heard of long range shooting competitions? If not, it's high time to learn more about this fantastic sport!
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