Tag - martial arts for beginners

The most effective wrestling techniques and holds
The most effective wrestling techniques and holds

Would you like to learn basic wrestling holds? We have some tips for you!

Which sports burn the most calories?
Which sports burn the most calories?

Sports that burn a lot of calories are perfect for people who want to improve their condition and slim their figure.

What is capoeira?
What is capoeira?

Capoeira is a dynamic, dance-based martial art that originated in Brazil and consists of fluid, rhythmic movements. What is worth knowing about it?

Martial arts for beginners – where to start?
Martial arts for beginners – where to start?

Martial arts is a term used to refer to various types of hand-to-hand or barehand combat. Their key element is […]

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Tennis primer – learning forhand for beginners
Thinking about learning to play tennis? It's never too late to embark on an adventure with the sport! But first, start with theory and learn what a forend is - one of the two basic strokes in tennis.
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