Diet - Page 3

Lettuce – an unusual vegetable with… negative calories!
Lettuce – an unusual vegetable with… negative calories!

Lettuce is a vegetable with many health-promoting properties, but does it really have… negative calories? We answer!

Energy shakes for athletes – a way to get a quick boost of energy and additional strengthening of the body
Energy shakes for athletes – a way to get a quick boost of energy and additional strengthening of the body

Do you exercise and reach for energy drinks? In the right quantities, they can improve your performance. However, if you overdose, you face a visit to the hospital.

What to eat after an evening workout?
What to eat after an evening workout?

The evening is often the only time during the day when you can go to the gym and train in peace. But what about the meal after exercise? Is it better to eat before or after your workout? We answer everything!

Natural fat burning supplements – which ones are worth using?
Natural fat burning supplements – which ones are worth using?

Thanks to these natural dietary supplements you will lose weight very quickly, and you use them every day. Check it yourself!

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