Tag - cycling coronavirus

How to safely and healthily return to training after COVID-19? An expert advises!
How to safely and healthily return to training after COVID-19? An expert advises!

The coronavirus has effectively stopped thousands of sports enthusiasts from returning to regular physical activity. Many still wonder whether they […]

Amateur cycling – bicycle investments flourish in spring
Amateur cycling – bicycle investments flourish in spring

The days are getting warmer and warmer, which means that soon the Polish cycling paths, like every year at this […]

Amateur cycling in pandemic – when will cyclists return to real trails?
Amateur cycling in pandemic – when will cyclists return to real trails?

Amateur sports are slowly coming back to life after a long break. From February 12 there will be a conditional […]

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Fats in an athlete’s diet – in what amounts should they be consumed?
Each person who practices sport should take care of the appropriate supply of fats in their diet. We suggest how to do it!
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