Long-distance shooting – the school of precision and patience

Long-distance shooting – the school of precision and patience
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Many people dream of going to a shooting range. However, not many know that this activity can be transformed… into a sport! Long-distance shooting is, on the one hand, a great way to have fun and, on the other hand, a physical activity whose advantages will please every shooting range lover.

You don’t have to play football to be physically fit, nor do you have to play billiards to train patience and humility, calmness and composure. We can acquire all these qualities during such an unusual sport as long-distance shooting, when the object we want to hit is even a kilometer away from the barrel

Who is this sport for?

Shooting is not reserved for only one group. Of course, the professionals, i.e. soldiers, are the best and most efficient in it. Uniformed snipers achieve amazing results at tournaments. Trained in precision, balanced and concentrated, they make perfect shots regardless of the distance from the target

Perhaps that is why the sport is divided into two categories: for military and for civilians. In the first case only people belonging to the armed forces can participate. The second category, on the other hand, allows “non-military” people, i.e. civilians, to participate as well, but what is interesting is that they can compete against military people who sign up for their category. Therefore, the challenge, adrenaline and the level of the sport itself should satisfy everyone, and one group does not have to differ from the other.

Courses, thanks to which you can gain some familiarity with handling weapons, can be held in most large cities in Poland. This sport is becoming more and more popular and the number of training centers is growing every year

What are the shooting events in Poland?

Firstly, there are two main types: precision and tactical. In the former the target is a target set in a known area at a distance specified by tournament rules. In Poland, events of this type are held in Longshot, Long Range Euro Cup, F-Class, Sniper Nowa Dęba, among others. \

The second type of competition is all about accuracy, that is, routinely getting the best possible score while minimizing mobility. In this competition, not only precision, but also tactical skills become the most important, because while in the precision competition we keep shooting from the same position, in the second category we will be forced to move. Such field events are organized, among others, by Snipers Misson and Tactical Mykita.

What kind of things should we equip ourselves with?

Before we start the event, we should gather our equipment. What should be taken into account?

  • Weapons – the best choice to start with is a rifle with a varmint barrel,
    • in case of tactical tournaments barrel should be about 559-660 mm long,
    • in case of precision competitions longer barrels are recommended, around 660-760 mm;
  • cartridges – in this case you should carefully study tournament regulations, which should contain precise information concerning type of cartridges;
  • thread pitch in the barrel should be compatible, coordinate with the length of the barrel and cartridges.

Main Photo: Kony Xyzx/pexels.com

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