How do you get back into running shape for spring? Use our tips!

How do you get back into running shape for spring? Use our tips!
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The change of season and more favorable conditions make more people feel like getting out of the house for a running workout. Here are some useful tips on how to improve the fitness lost during the winter season.

Look for good motivation

Effective training is only possible when it brings the athlete joy and satisfaction. These feelings only come during or after the run, so you need to find the motivation to start it. Every athlete runs for a different purpose. Some relax during exercise, while others see it as a challenge and constantly want to improve their performance.

The right attitude and reason to start running regularly will help to encourage yourself to be active in running and will prove to be helpful during difficult moments on the course. You can run to improve your fitness, lose weight, want to commune with nature, relax your mind, reduce stress or get rid of negative energy. Any reason is good to change your daily habits and find time every day to run even a small distance.

Motivation is the most important thing.
#running #motivation #training #sport #training

Published by Running Gets You Winged Sunday, October 4, 2020

Run on a treadmill

Not everyone likes to get out of the house and exercise in public places. The solution may be to train on a treadmill, the one at home or at the gym. You can tailor your workouts to your specific skill level and systematically increase the load adding variety to each subsequent run. The advanced features of a treadmill will allow you to run in intervals, increase your speed freely, change pace or change altitude to imitate running uphill. The treadmill is a good solution both for people who are just beginning their adventure with running and more experienced runners who want to quickly improve their physical condition after the winter season.

Don’t give up after a few workouts

The worst decision a runner getting back into shape can make is to quit exercising. Failure is part and parcel of sport, and fitness and breathing capacity are built with regularity, not intensity of training. Adverse weather conditions, poorer mood, fatigue or a busy schedule should not affect your running training. Visible effects will come with time, so it is worth waiting for them and trying to improve.

Change running routes

Boredom and fatigue can negatively affect the athlete’s motivation and discourage him from the next training. There is certainly no shortage of interesting running routes in the immediate area, so it is worth exploring new places, thereby diversifying your training. By increasing the length and intensity of the route, the runner puts more strain on his body and requires more effort from it. This results in better condition, stronger muscles, and a better mood caused by the production of the happy hormone.

To vary the load, you can train on a treadmill, in an athletic stadium, on a city running trail, as well as in the woods or mountains. Each of these routes will require different skills from the runner, especially the ability to adapt to the conditions.

Find a companion

A sparring partner can have a positive impact on your performance and improve the quality of your running. Companionship during training also affects the athlete’s psyche and increases motivation. A challenging solo workout turns into a social gathering with physical activity in the background.

Take advantage of gadgets

Smartwatches or running apps that monitor the body’s performance during exercise help you keep track of your performance and show you what goals have been achieved so far. Collecting and analyzing this data can be a good motivation for further training and arouse more interest of the athlete in this sport. New technological solutions and diversified operating systems that are constantly appearing on the market are a source of knowledge regarding a healthy lifestyle and one’s own health and fitness.

Featured photo: Freepik

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