Tag - what kind of diet for an athlete

Nutrition and supplementation for swimmers – tips for amateurs and professionals
Nutrition and supplementation for swimmers – tips for amateurs and professionals

Learn how to support your body during and after swim training with proper diet and supplementation!

Products to add variety to a physically active person’s diet
Products to add variety to a physically active person’s diet

Are you a physically active person and do you follow a diet? Check what products you can add to it to make it more varied!

Starvation in sports – a bad way to lose weight, a good method to cleanse the body
Starvation in sports – a bad way to lose weight, a good method to cleanse the body

Learn how to safely do a short fast to cleanse your body of toxins and what the effects are!

What to keep in mind when switching to a diet for an athlete?
What to keep in mind when switching to a diet for an athlete?

Adequate hydration and regular meals – among other things, these are things you cannot forget when you are an athlete on a diet.

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Energy shakes for athletes – a way to get a quick boost of energy and additional strengthening of the body
Do you exercise and reach for energy drinks? In the right quantities, they can improve your performance. However, if you overdose, you face a visit to the hospital.
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