Tag - Principles of proper nutrition for the athlete - Page 3

Diet of professional athletes – what are the differences between menus of athletes practicing different sports?
Diet of professional athletes – what are the differences between menus of athletes practicing different sports?

Menus of professional footballer, cyclist, runner or bodybuilder differ from each other. Find out how the athletes of different sports eat.

Athlete’s diet does not have to ruin your wallet! What to do to eat cheaply and healthily?
Athlete’s diet does not have to ruin your wallet! What to do to eat cheaply and healthily?

Want to switch to a professional athlete’s diet but worried about its high cost? Read on and find out how to eat cheap and healthy!

Is a low carbohydrate diet advisable for people who play sports?
Is a low carbohydrate diet advisable for people who play sports?

Is a low carbohydrate diet advisable in professional sports? Is it beneficial for the body of athletes? Read and check!

Athlete’s dinner – how to optimally prepare the last meal of the day?
Athlete’s dinner – how to optimally prepare the last meal of the day?

Learn what not to do when eating dinner and find out the most interesting recipes for healthy evening meals for athletes!