Tag - athlete’s diet - Page 5

Should people who play sports recreationally supplement with vitamins?
Should people who play sports recreationally supplement with vitamins?

Do you play sports, but don’t know if you should supplement vitamins? This article will tell you why and which ones you should use.

Is it possible to speed up the recovery process after exercise?
Is it possible to speed up the recovery process after exercise?

Do you feel that the training load is too high? Don’t forget about recovery! Check out what you can do to help your muscles recover faster.

What should be in every athlete’s diet?
What should be in every athlete’s diet?

Every person who exercises regularly should take care of proper nutrition. The most important nutrients in the diet of an […]

What does a vegan diet look like for an athlete?
What does a vegan diet look like for an athlete?

Giving up animal products in the daily diet is a conscious choice for many people. How does a vegan diet […]

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