Weight loss

Lettuce – an unusual vegetable with… negative calories!
Lettuce – an unusual vegetable with… negative calories!

Lettuce is a vegetable with many health-promoting properties, but does it really have… negative calories? We answer!

Which sports burn the most calories?
Which sports burn the most calories?

Sports that burn a lot of calories are perfect for people who want to improve their condition and slim their figure.

Starvation in sports – a bad way to lose weight, a good method to cleanse the body
Starvation in sports – a bad way to lose weight, a good method to cleanse the body

Learn how to safely do a short fast to cleanse your body of toxins and what the effects are!

Fats in an athlete’s diet – in what amounts should they be consumed?
Fats in an athlete’s diet – in what amounts should they be consumed?

Each person who practices sport should take care of the appropriate supply of fats in their diet. We suggest how to do it!

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